- cancel(
run_id: string,
options?: Record<string, any> & {
headers?: Headers;
query?: {
[key: string]:
| undefined
| null
| string
| number
| boolean
| (undefined | null | string | number)[];
sdkOptions?: SDKOptions,
): Promise<Response> Parameters
- run_id: string
options: Record<string, any> & {
headers?: Headers;
query?: {
[key: string]:
| undefined
| null
| string
| number
| boolean
| (undefined | null | string | number)[];
sdkOptions: SDKOptions
Returns Promise<Response>
Cancel the execution for a particular Run of a Flow. https://globusonline.github.io/globus-flows/#tag/Runs/paths/~1runs~1{run_id}~1cancel/post