Delete a Globus Connect Personal entity by its UUID. As of 2024-01-08, this method (and the Transfer API) only supports deleting Globus Connect Personal entities.

All GCSv5 endpoints and collections should be deleted (and managed) using Globus Connect Server (i.e. gcs.collections.remove).

  • Parameters

    • endpoint_xid: string
    • Optionaloptions: { payload?: undefined; query?: undefined } & {
          headers?: Headers;
          query?: {
              [key: string]:
                  | undefined
                  | null
                  | string
                  | number
                  | boolean
                  | (undefined | null | string | number)[];
    • OptionalsdkOptions: SDKOptions

    Returns Promise<
                code: "Deleted";
                DATA_TYPE: "result";
                message: string;
                request_id: string;
                resource: `/endpoint/${string}`;