Update a Globus Connect Personal collection. As of 2024-04-17, this method (and the Transfer API) only supports updating Globus Connect Personal collections.

All GCSv5 collections should be updated using Globus Connect Server (i.e. gcs.collections.update).

  • Parameters

    • endpoint_xid: string
    • Optionaloptions: {
          payload: Partial<Pick<{
              acl_available: boolean;
              acl_editable: boolean;
              acl_max_expiration_period_mins: null | number;
              activated: boolean;
              authentication_assurance_timeout: number;
              authentication_timeout_mins: null | number;
              canonical_name: string;
              contact_email: null | string;
              contact_info: null | string;
              DATA?: {
                  DATA_TYPE: "server";
                  hostname: null | string;
                  id: number;
                  incoming_data_port_end: null | number;
                  incoming_data_port_start: null | number;
                  is_connected: boolean;
                  is_paused: boolean;
                  outgoing_data_port_end: null | number;
                  outgoing_data_port_start: null | number;
                  port: null | number;
                  scheme: null | "ftp" | "gsiftp";
                  subject: null | string;
                  uri: string;
              DATA_TYPE: "endpoint";
              default_directory: null | string;
              department: null | string;
              description: null | string;
              disable_anonymous_writes: boolean;
              disable_verify: boolean;
              display_name: string;
              entity_type: EntityType;
              expire_time: null;
              expires_in: null;
              force_encryption: boolean;
              force_verify: boolean;
              french_english_bilingual: boolean;
              gcp_connected: null | boolean;
              gcp_paused: null | boolean;
              gcs_manager_url: null | `${string}://${string}`;
              gcs_version: null | string;
              globus_connect_setup_key: null | string;
              high_assurance: boolean;
              host_endpoint: null | string;
              host_endpoint_display_name: null | string;
              host_endpoint_id: null | string;
              host_path: null | string;
              https_server: null | string;
              id: string;
              in_use: boolean;
              info_link: null | string;
              is_globus_connect: boolean;
              keywords: null | string;
              last_accessed_time: null | string;
              local_user_info_available: null | boolean;
              location: null | string;
              mapped_collection_display_name: null | string;
              mapped_collection_id: null | string;
              max_concurrency: null | number;
              max_parallelism: null | number;
              mfa_required: boolean;
              my_effective_roles: (EndpointRole | "restricted_administrator")[];
              myproxy_dn: null | string;
              myproxy_server: null | string;
              name: null | string;
                  | null
                  | "normal"
                  | "minimal"
                  | "aggressive"
                  | "custom";
              non_functional: boolean;
              non_functional_endpoint_display_name: null | string;
              non_functional_endpoint_id: null | string;
              oauth_server: null | string;
              organization: null | string;
              owner_id: string;
              owner_string: string;
              preferred_concurrency: null | number;
              preferred_parallelism: null | number;
              public: boolean;
              requester_pays: boolean;
              s3_owner_activated: false;
              s3_url: null;
              subscription_id: null | string;
              tlsftp_server: null | `tlsftp://${string}:${string}`;
              user_message: null | string;
              user_message_link: null | string;
              username: string;
              | "DATA_TYPE"
              | "authentication_timeout_mins"
              | "contact_email"
              | "contact_info"
              | "default_directory"
              | "department"
              | "description"
              | "disable_verify"
              | "display_name"
              | "force_encryption"
              | "info_link"
              | "keywords"
              | "organization"
              | "public"
              | "user_message"
              | "user_message_link"
              | "max_concurrency"
              | "max_parallelism"
              | "network_use"
              | "preferred_concurrency"
              | "preferred_parallelism"
              | "subscription_id"
              | "acl_max_expiration_period_mins"
              | "owner_string"
              | "location">>;
          query?: undefined;
      } & {
          headers?: Headers;
          query?: {
              [key: string]:
                  | string
                  | number
                  | boolean
                  | (
                      | string
                      | number
                      | null
                      | undefined)[]
                  | null
                  | undefined;
    • OptionalsdkOptions: SDKOptions

    Returns Promise<JSONFetchResponse<{
        code: "Updated";
        DATA_TYPE: "result";
        message: string;
        request_id: string;
        resource: `/endpoint/${string}`;