Rename or move a file, directory, or symlink on an endpoint filesystem. If the object is a symlink, the symlink itself is renamed, not its target The endpoint must be activated before performing this operation. When moving to a different parent directory, the parent directory of the new path must already exist.

  • Parameters

    • endpoint_xid: string
    • options: undefined | {
          payload: Omit<{
              DATA_TYPE: "rename";
              new_path: string;
              old_path: string;
          }, "DATA_TYPE">;
      } & {
          headers?: Headers;
          query?: {
              [key: string]:
                  | string
                  | number
                  | boolean
                  | (
                      | string
                      | number
                      | null
                      | undefined)[]
                  | null
                  | undefined;
    • OptionalsdkOptions: SDKOptions

    Returns Promise<Response>